How do I Keep My Kernel Module Installed? (The Ultimate Guide)
Image by Henny -

How do I Keep My Kernel Module Installed? (The Ultimate Guide)

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Getting a kernel module installed can be a thrill, but keeping it installed can be a whole different story. You’ve spent hours configuring and fine-tuning your module, only to have it vanish into thin air after a reboot or system update. It’s enough to drive any sysadmin crazy! But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of kernel module persistence.

Why Do Kernel Modules Go Missing?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the common reasons why kernel modules go missing:

  • System Updates: When your Linux distribution pushes an update, it may overwrite your custom kernel module.
  • Reboots: A simple reboot can cause your module to unload, and it might not autoload on startup.
  • Kernel Version Changes: Upgrading or downgrading your kernel version can render your module incompatible.
  • Dependency Issues: Missing or outdated dependencies can prevent your module from loading correctly.

Step 1: Understanding Your Kernel Module

To keep your kernel module installed, you need to understand how it works and what dependencies it requires. Let’s break it down:

modinfo your_module_name

This command will provide you with crucial information about your module, including:

  • Module Name: The name of your kernel module.
  • Module Version: The version of your kernel module.
  • Dependencies: A list of dependencies required for your module to function.

Step 2: Enable Persistence with /etc/modules-load.d/

The `/etc/modules-load.d/` directory is a treasure trove for kernel module persistence. By creating a configuration file in this directory, you can ensure your module loads automatically on startup.

Create a new file inside the directory using your favorite text editor:

sudo nano /etc/modules-load.d/your_module_name.conf

Add the following line to the file:


Save and exit the file. This configuration file will instruct the system to load your kernel module automatically on startup.

Step 3: Update initramfs

sudo update-initramfs -u

This command may take a few moments, depending on your system configuration. Once complete, your kernel module will be incorporated into the initramfs.

Step 4: Enable Autoloading with /etc/modprobe.d/

The `/etc/modprobe.d/` directory is another crucial location for kernel module persistence. By creating a configuration file in this directory, you can enable autoloading for your module.

Create a new file inside the directory using your favorite text editor:

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/your_module_name.conf

Add the following lines to the file:

# autoload your_module_name
options your_module_name autoenable=1

Save and exit the file. This configuration file will enable autoloading for your kernel module.

Step 5: Verify Your Module

After completing the above steps, it’s essential to verify that your kernel module is indeed loaded:

lsmod | grep your_module_name

If your module is loaded correctly, you should see it listed in the output. If not, review the previous steps and ensure you’ve followed them correctly.

Additional Tips and Tricks

To take your kernel module persistence to the next level, consider the following tips:

Tips and Tricks Description
Use a module version lock Use a package manager like apt or yum to lock your kernel module version, ensuring it doesn’t get updated accidentally.
Monitor system logs Regularly monitor system logs to identify any issues with your kernel module, allowing you to take prompt action.
Backup your module configuration Keep a backup of your module configuration files, ensuring you can quickly restore them in case of a system failure or update.


Keeping your kernel module installed can be a daunting task, but by following these steps and tips, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring persistence. Remember to stay vigilant, monitor your system logs, and keep your module configuration up-to-date. With persistence comes power, and with these instructions, you’ll be the master of your kernel module domain!

Happy sysadmining, and may your kernel modules remain installed forevermore!

Frequently Asked Question

Getting your kernel module installed is just the first step – keeping it installed and running smoothly can be a challenge! Here are some common questions and answers to help you overcome this hurdle.

How do I prevent my kernel module from being overwritten by kernel updates?

A simple solution is to install the kernel module using a package manager like DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support). This way, your kernel module will be rebuilt and reinstalled every time the kernel is updated. This ensures that your module stays compatible with the latest kernel version.

What if I’m using a custom kernel? Will my kernel module still work?

When using a custom kernel, you’ll need to ensure that your kernel module is built against the exact same kernel configuration as your custom kernel. You can do this by compiling your kernel module using the same kernel source code and configuration as your custom kernel. This will guarantee compatibility and prevent any issues.

Can I automate the kernel module installation process?

Yes, you can automate the kernel module installation process using scripts or tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef. These tools allow you to write scripts that can install and configure your kernel module on multiple systems with ease. This is particularly useful in large-scale deployments or when you need to manage multiple systems.

How do I troubleshoot kernel module installation issues?

When troubleshooting kernel module installation issues, start by checking the kernel logs for errors or warnings. You can use commands like `dmesg` or `syslog` to view the logs. Additionally, check the module’s configuration files and ensure that they are correctly formatted. If you’re still stuck, try searching online for specific error messages or seeking help from the kernel module’s community or developers.

What if I need to uninstall my kernel module?

To uninstall a kernel module, you can use the `modprobe` command with the `-r` option, followed by the module name. For example, `modprobe -r mymodule`. This will remove the module from the kernel. Additionally, you may need to remove the module’s configuration files and any dependencies that were installed along with the module.