Cypress: Your Tests Are Loading After Submit [Closed]
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Cypress: Your Tests Are Loading After Submit [Closed]

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Are you tired of staring at that pesky “Loading…” indicator in Cypress, wondering why your tests aren’t running as smoothly as they should? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Cypress testing and explore the common issue of tests loading after submit. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to tackle this problem head-on and get your tests running like a well-oiled machine.

What’s Causing the Issue?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a step back and understand what might be causing this issue in the first place. There are several reasons why your Cypress tests might be loading after submit:

  • Slow Network Requests: If your application makes slow network requests, it can cause Cypress to wait for the requests to complete before running the tests. This can lead to a significant delay in test execution.
  • Inadequate Waiting Mechanisms: Cypress provides various waiting mechanisms, such as cy.wait() and cy.get(), to handle asynchronous operations. However, if these mechanisms are not used correctly, it can cause Cypress to wait for an extended period.
  • Overuse of cy.visit(): If you’re using cy.visit() excessively in your tests, it can cause Cypress to reload the page multiple times, leading to slow test execution.
  • Unclean Test Environment: A cluttered test environment can cause Cypress to take longer to execute tests. This can be due to various reasons, including leftover cookies, local storage, or queued network requests.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s explore the solutions to get your Cypress tests running smoothly:

Optimize Network Requests

To optimize network requests, you can use Cypress’s built-in cy.intercept() command to stub out slow network requests. This will allow you to control the response time and prevent Cypress from waiting for the requests to complete.

cy.intercept('GET', '', {
  delay: 0,
  body: 'mocked response'

Implement Efficient Waiting Mechanisms

Using efficient waiting mechanisms is crucial to prevent Cypress from waiting indefinitely. You can use cy.wait() to wait for a specific condition to be met, such as an element becoming visible or a network request completing.

cy.wait('@get-data').its('status', 'be', 200)

Use cy.visit() Wisely

To avoid excessive page reloads, use cy.visit() only when necessary. Instead, use Cypress’s navigation commands, such as and cy.get(), to interact with the application.


Maintain a Clean Test Environment

To ensure a clean test environment, use Cypress’s built-in commands to clear cookies, local storage, and queued network requests. You can use the following code snippet to clear the test environment:


Additional Tips and Tricks

In addition to the solutions mentioned above, here are some additional tips and tricks to help you optimize your Cypress tests:

  1. Use cy.request() instead of cy.visit(): When making API requests, use cy.request() instead of cy.visit() to avoid page reloads.
  2. Implement retry logic: Use Cypress’s built-in retry logic to retry failed tests. This can be especially useful when dealing with flaky tests.
  3. Use a fast and reliable test runner: Use a fast and reliable test runner like Cypress Test Runner or Cypress Docker to execute your tests efficiently.
  4. Monitor test performance: Use Cypress’s built-in performance monitoring tools to identify slow tests and optimize them accordingly.


In conclusion, the issue of Cypress tests loading after submit can be frustrating, but it’s not impossible to overcome. By identifying the root causes and implementing the solutions mentioned in this article, you can optimize your Cypress tests to run smoothly and efficiently. Remember to maintain a clean test environment, use efficient waiting mechanisms, and optimize network requests to get the most out of your Cypress tests.

Problem Solution
Slow Network Requests Use cy.intercept() to stub out slow network requests
Inadequate Waiting Mechanisms Use cy.wait() to wait for specific conditions to be met
Overuse of cy.visit() Use navigation commands like and cy.get() instead of cy.visit()
Unclean Test Environment Use Cypress’s built-in commands to clear cookies, local storage, and queued network requests

By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating fast, efficient, and reliable Cypress tests that will make your testing experience a breeze.

Here is the FAQ section about “Cypress: Your test are loading after submit [closed]” in HTML format with creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about Cypress testing headaches!

Q1: Why are my tests loading after submit in Cypress?

Ah-ha! It’s likely because Cypress is waiting for the page to load completely before running your tests. Try adding a `cy.wait()` command after the submit action to ensure the page has finished loading before running your assertions.

Q2: How can I avoid tests running after page load in Cypress?

Easy peasy! You can use `cy.get()` to retrieve the specific element you want to interact with, and then use `` or other actions to perform the desired action. This way, Cypress will wait for the element to be visible and interactable before performing the action.

Q3: Are there any Cypress commands that can help me with this issue?

You bet! `cy.its()` and `cy.should()` commands can help you wait for specific conditions to be met before running your tests. For example, you can use `cy.its(‘visible’).should(‘be.visible’)` to wait for an element to be visible before asserting its presence.

Q4: Can I use Cypress’s built-in waiting mechanisms to solve this issue?

Absolutely! Cypress provides several built-in waiting mechanisms, such as `cy.wait()` and `cy. waitUntil()`, that can be used to wait for specific conditions to be met before running your tests. These commands can help you avoid tests running after page load.

Q5: How can I troubleshoot issues with tests loading after submit in Cypress?

Debugging mode, activate! Use Cypress’s built-in debugging tools, such as the `cy.debug()` command or the Chrome DevTools, to step through your code and identify where the issue is occurring. You can also use the `cy.log()` command to log messages and track the execution of your tests.

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